Mods and Tools

Here is a list of mods and tools for JSRF, for use on a softmodded Xbox or the CXBX-Reloaded emulator. You can also find some of these mods on the Resources page. Thank you to fusecv, neodos, 7thAce, ycarcomed, ChrisderWahre, and anyone else who has contributed mods for this game.



To install .xbe mods, FTP the .xbe and any other required files to E:/Games/JSRF. To play the mod, launch the modded .xbe from the File Explorer.

To install modded character textures, FTP the .bin file to E:/Games/JSRF/Media/Player. Afterwards, delete your cache. Make sure to backup the vanilla file before you overwrite it!


To install .xbe mods, place the .xbe and any other required files to the root of your JSRF folder (where the default .xbe's are). To play the mod, launch the modded .xbe from the CXBX menu.

To install modded character textures, place the .dat file in %AppData%\Roaming\Cxbx-Reloaded\EmuDisk\Partition5\Media\Player. Make sure to backup the vanilla file before you overwrite it!


To FTP files to your Xbox, you must connect an ethernet cable from your Xbox to your internet router. Once connected, use a FTP application such as FileZilla to connect to your Xbox and drag any files to the proper location.

For FileZilla to connect to your Xbox, you must input the proper IP address, as well as the Xbox's username and password - all of this should be viewable somewhere in your Xbox's softmodded dashboard. Check the bottom of the How to Softmod Your Xbox page for more details.


IGT Mod - by fusecv and 7thAce

version 2.1 - Dec 19, 2021 - Make sure to read the readme!

Quicksave Mod - by fusecv and 7thAce

version 7.0 - June 5th, 2021 - Make sure to read the readme!

Cucumber Practice Mod - by daft7 and fusecv

version 2 - January 20, 2021 - Make sure to read the readme!

Obsolete Mods

These mods have been made obsolete by making them a part of the Quicksave mod.

Infinite Jump Mod - by fusecv

version 1 - September 12, 2020

Insta-Frameboost Mod - by fusecv

version 5 - January 3, 2019

On-Screen Display Mod - by fusecv

version 1 - January 12, 2019

Double Jump Mod - by fusecv

version 1 - December 28, 2018


JSRF ModTool - by neodos

Latest version - For tutorials, check out neodos' blog

JSRF Graffiti Tool - by neodos

version 1 - June 28, 2016 - For tutorials, check out neodos' blog

JSRF Song Tool - by ChrisderWahre

version 1.0.7 - May 26, 2018 - Link to Chris' GitHub

Sewer Skip Cache

compiled by fusecv

Sept 10, 2018 - Place in your cache, in either your X, Y, or Z drive

Quicksave Saves

Any% - by Naestrinus

Sep 25, 2020 - Put the QS folder next to your .xbe's!

Console Saves

Any% - by 7thAce and ycarcomed

Feb 17, 2019 - Make sure to read the readme!

100% - by suprix and ycarcomed

April 13, 2019 - Make sure to read the readme!